Street Officer Combat Pistol/Rifle Course

Street Officer Combat Pistol/Rifle Course conducted by the U.S. Marshalls’ Fugitive Task Force- This two-day course covers the use of the patrol pistol and rifle in everyday law-enforcement patrol operations. The course covers carry methods, associated equipment, deployment and use of the pistol/carbine rifle from the close quarters, vehicles, etc. Students will learn aspects of patrol pistol/ rifle use in the urban or rural setting, and how to employ various forms of cover while using the firearm.  Rifle Ammunition (.556) only will be provided at NO additional cost to your department.

You must be a certified APOSTC police officer, active duty military personnel in order to attend this training.  Upon completion of this course you will receive 16 accredited (CEU) hours and the class is FREE.
For directions or hotel information, contact Sgt. Richard Bryant (334) 289-3073.

Our Street Officer Combat Pistol/ Rifle course is open to sworn law enforcement and active duty military personnel.  If you are a private security professional or other, please contact us before-hand to check for qualifiers.

Instructor: U.S. Marshall’s Fugitive Task Force

Time: 08:00AM to 05:30PM CST

Cost: $0.00 per student 

What to Bring:

  • Comfortable Attire
  • Body armor
  • Duty Gear/ Pistol/ Rifle/ Magazines/Pistol Ammunition


**Please check our website or by Facebook @Demopolis Police Department for further registration information.  You can also register at the  Complete and submit all information prior to the May 5, 2016 or send fax to (334-217-0077) **.

Date:  May 10-11, 2016   Class begins at 8:00am.

Location: Demopolis Police Training Center @ Demopolis Police Department, 301 East Washington Street Demopolis, Al 36732

To register:  Submit class request to any of the above links prior to May 5, 2016 or complete the form below and send it to the Demopolis Police Training Center.